Although humanity was created as the pinnacle of God’s creation, made in His image, Genesis 3 reveals how corruption and evil entered the world—not through chance or fate, but through…
God speaks to those we’d least expect through dreams that are windows into reality and they need interpretation through prayer, community and scripture. These dreams can encourage or warn and…
If you are Christian, and if you encounter God the way Jacob encountered God, you are blessed - even though you may walk with a limp. In this message, Dave…
Bible Text: Genesis 6 | Speaker: Chris Kilby | Series: Special Offering Sunday | In faith and obedience Noah built a huge boat, but it wasn't about the boat. Find…
Bible Text: Genesis 27:1 - 35:15 | Preacher: Si Munsie | Series: Genesis Origins | Si takes us through the last instalment of our "Origins" series as we look at…
Bible Text: Genesis 22: 1-19 | Preacher: Chris Kilby | Series: Genesis Origins | Here in Genesis we find one of the most dramatic stories ever told where Abraham shows…
Bible Text: Genesis 27:1 - 35:15 | Preacher: James Hatcher | Series: Genesis Origins | James takes us through the last instalment of our "Origins" series as we look at…
Bible Text: Genesis 18-19 | Preacher: Dave McNee | Series: Genesis Origins | How do we make sense of what is perhaps one of the most troubling passages of the…