The leadership at Life Church are committed to providing as safe an environment as possible for everyone who visits and attends our meetings. In particular we take safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults seriously.
As a leadership team we have appointed a Designated Safeguarding Person to oversee the administration of policy and good practice, ensuring that all volunteer/workers have been DBS checked where necessary. Anyone wishing to volunteer with children, youth or vulnerable adults will be asked to complete an application form and provide references. Safeguarding training is compulsory when working with these groups. All leadership positions and visible roles in the church complete full checks and commit to attend regular training.
Life Church operates Child Safeguarding Policies and procedures as well as a Vulnerable Adult Policy and procedures. We expect workers to keep to the relevant policies and we give training and put in place oversight to ensure this happens. We follow a safe recruiting process for paid and volunteer workers, including DBS checks for those who are aged 16+.
You can find out more about Safeguarding at Life Church by downloading our Safeguarding Information Leaflet.
What to do if you have a concern
If you have a concern regarding an activity or a person, then please contact our Designated Safeguarding Team:
Tori Morgan
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Tel: 02380 981023 (to leave a message) | Email:
Alternatively, if you have concerns about a child, perhaps outside of church, then you can contact:
NSPCC on their helpline for advice: 0808 800 5000 (24 hours) or call Children’s Services: 0300 555 1384 during office hours (or 0300 5551373 out of hours). If it’s an emergency and a child is in immediate danger, call 999.
If you are concerned about a Vulnerable Adult then call:
Southampton Adult Services: 0300 555 1386 (Out of hours 02380 233344)
If you are an adult experiencing Domestic Violence or Abuse then you can contact National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247 or dial 999 in an emergency.
If you need help with Honour Based Violence, Forced Marriage and FGM call FMU: 02070 080151.
Other useful numbers
Thirtyone:eight 24 hr helpline: 0303 003 11 11
NSPCC helpline: 0800 800 5000
ChildLine: (if you are under 18) 0800 1111