Moments before Jesus ascends he commands his followers to wait for the promised gift of the Father - the gift of the Holy Spirit. God's presence is about to be…
Bible Text: Hebrews 11:9 | Preacher: Mathew Kuruvilla | Series: Guest Speaker, West End Site Mathew speaks on Abraham and how he, as a stranger and sojourner in the land, pitched…
Bible Text: Ephesians 3: 1 - 13 | Preacher: John Groves | Series: One Church Conference John speaks on God the creator of all things who has now revealed the…
Bible Text: Joshua 1:7-9 | Preacher: Esther Clayton | Series: Lordshill Site, Site Specific Esther draws inspiration from the book of Joshua and speaks on stepping out, undeterred by fear…
Bible Text: Nehemiah 10:30-39 | Preacher: Chris Kilby | Series: For Southampton In a world of division, the church stands out as radically united. Here we explore three areas of…
Bible Text: John 2 : 1-12 | Preacher: Pete White | Series: Jesus the Cornerstone Pete digs into the deeper meaning of Jesus turning water to wine. Was it just…