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CAP Debt

Christians Against Poverty – One Year In

By Blog Post, CAP Debt, Church Life
It’s hard to believe that it's been a whole year since I called my first CAP client, on the day the debt centre opened. When I say that the debt centre ‘opened’ what I really mean is that I switched my phone on, opened up the laptop and was ready for clients to book in. In the pandemic world that we have been living in, the debt centre has been run...
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A Dance Of Hope – CAP

By Blog Post, CAP Debt, Church Life
Generally, I’m a very destination focused person: I like outcomes and measurable results. I like to know why I’m doing something and what it’s going to achieve. God, however, seems to be more interested in the process; in the path that I take, as much as where it leads. He cares about my motives, about what is in my heart. I remember once hearing a Christian speaker sharing how he...
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