When Paul writes to Philippi he makes a bold claim about the future of the Philippian church. Paul says 'I am sure of this…'. How can Paul speak with such…
Jon considers the journey God's people made when He lead them out of Egypt toward the promised land. Our own journey following God does not always go the way we…
The genealogy presented in Matthew 1 traces Jesus' ancestry, emphasizing his connection to King David and ultimately to Abraham, demonstrating that Jesus is the anointed Saviour promised from the beginning.
Jesus left us with what can seem like an overwhelmingly large task and responsibility - to go and make disciples of all nations. The good news, as Alex unpacks in…
Friends. A word that used to describe people you knew 20 years ago, someone who added you on social media and the people you share everything with. Si explores what…
Guest Speaker, Dub Everitt, speaks on 'Loving People Toward Jesus'. A message encouraging us to care for those who God has placed in our path, and sharing Jesus' love with…