Authentic church is a people who have witnessed Jesus, and who share that witness with others. We are not alone in this as the Spirit also witnesses. The witness of…
God speaks to those we’d least expect through dreams that are windows into reality and they need interpretation through prayer, community and scripture. These dreams can encourage or warn and…
We hear it said all over the place that we should be true to ourselves and the world responds as if this is good news. But is it? The Word seems to say otherwise. Maybe true hope for fulfilment and fullness of life is found elsewhere?
God commands his church to love one another with a different kind of love which can be hard and, at times, it can feel impossible. However, thanks to the work…
Fear has throughout history often been a blazing fire in human hearts and minds but God, through Psalm 46, wields the extinguisher of His glory on all the feeble flames…
Suffering affects each and every one of us, and Jesus is no exception. In all our suffering we can know this, that God has experienced suffering and He fully understands.