Chris Kimbangi, lead Elder of Hope Church in Guildford continues to speak in our Galatians series. How does the gospel change the way that you treat each other?
Bible Text: Philippians 4 | Preacher: John Groves | Series: Guest Speaker John Groves, part of the Commission Apostolic Team, talks about joy. Paul the Apostle encourages Christians to rejoice always,…
Bible Text: John 13: 34-35 | Preacher: Pete White | Series: One Another In the second of our 'One Another' mini-series, Pete describes the importance of having relationships as part…
Bible Text: Genesis 29:14-35 | Preacher: John Groves What do we do when we feel unloved? John unpacks the story of Leah who was unloved by her husband and applies…
Bible Text: John 4:4-29 | Preacher: Chris Kilby | Series: Jesus the Cornerstone Chris speaks to us about Jesus the prophet and his unlikely encounter with the woman at the…