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PRAY: Yield

6th September 2020
We live in a broken world, but we too are broken people. Surely, we shouldn't stop at only asking God to bring His kingdom in the world around us; surely,…


30th August 2020
Bible Text: Various | Speaker: Chris Kilby | Series: PRAY | Prayer can be both simple and profound. This message will teach you how to grow in praying for both…

PRAY: Rejoice

23rd August 2020
Bible Text: Various | Speaker: Dave McNee | Series: PRAY | The desire to reach out beyond ourselves to something transcendent is deeply rooted in us, but what changes in…

PRAY: Pause

16th August 2020
With life often moving at a relentless pace, what would it mean for your relationship with God to pause and give him time to speak with you. Si takes a…