Songs of Faith III Songs of Faith III: Psalm 139 The Song of the Known 20th August 2023 Is Psalm 139 good or bad news? Si explores the cost of being fully known, in order to be fully loved.
Songs of Faith II Psalm 84: The Song of Desire 7th August 2022 When your desire is for the King and His Kingdom, you will bring His life to every community around you.
Songs of Faith II Psalm 46: The Song of Trouble 19th June 2022 Fear has throughout history often been a blazing fire in human hearts and minds but God, through Psalm 46, wields the extinguisher of His glory on all the feeble flames…
Songs of Faith II Psalm 1: The Song of Blessing 29th May 2022 Psalm 1 is the opening of the biggest book of the bible and sets the tone for the rest of the Psalms - Si takes us through a survey of…